
Year 8

Year 8 Drama students have engaged in some cross-curricular learning, performing sonnets in support of their very first foray into studying Shakespeare in English!

Year 9

Our Year 9 English students have really embraced the challenge of their first experience with Shakespeare. Taming of the Shrew has presented some exciting characters to portray, and our costumes have certainly made a difference! Class time has included Act One Walk-Throughs, scene adaptations and performances galore! Students are learning to annotate their pages, and to master some new and interesting language from well back in Shakespeare’s time. We are so proud of them and their efforts to date.


Shakespeare Incursion

Year 8 and 9 English Classes

The Flying Bookworm visited Sirius College Keysborough on the 7th May and gave a sterling performance of scenes from a range of Shakespeare’s plays – including Henry IV, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet, as well as his sonnets.

Students were educated, entertained and engaged for nearly two hours, and enjoyed every minute of the incursion, as the testimonies below clearly show:

There were some funny, tragic and interesting scenes and I definitely have learnt a lot more for my knowledge in Shakespeare.

I learned that learning about Shakespeare can be fun and can be taught in a lot of different ways.

Yesterday’s incursion was truly unforgettable. The scenes and fragments that you performed for us were very entertaining.

Thank you so much for coming and showing us the wonders of Shakespeare.

The Shakespeare performance was very funny and easily understood. Even more when they were doing a performance in modern English then in Shakespeare’s language.

What I liked about yesterday was how upbeat and lively they were.

The Shakespeare incursion gave us an insight into how dramatic Shakespeare’s plays and writings actually are and how it is better to watch them, rather than read them.

I am certainly speechless. Not only have you demonstrated how to act, but you also showed us WHAT Shakespeare is.


Year 10 English

10B have been doing an outstanding job in English this term, undertaking a collaborative and in-depth study of To Kill a Mockingbird. Students have been working in small focus groups, unpacking the text and providing feedback to their peers using their chosen method.

Year 11 English

Year 11 English students have been studying The Lot in Words, by cartoonist Michael Leunig. They have been sharing and writing about important ideas, such as what it means to be an Australian. They have produced their own Leunig-inspired cartoons, demonstrating remarkable creativity and insight!

Year 12 English

12B English students have been unpacking Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein this term. They have been engaging in lively debates about ethics and other key ideas from the text, as well as refining their creative writing skills. The students are working on some fantastic creative pieces!


Year 7 Drama

Year 7 Drama students have been practising their puppetry skills using a range of different types of puppets.

Year 8 Drama

Year 8 Drama students have engaged in some cross-curricular learning, performing sonnets in support of their very first foray into studying Shakespeare in English!


WOW!! Week 5 already, half way through term 2! Arabic language secondary students have been very busy learning across the different topics (Home, Family activities, Grammar, friends & friendship, Ramadan, Good manners and habits). We’ve been learning so many new words and grammar rolls throughout the topics. We have different levels of readers within our classes so we will run reading period once a week to help the weak one and improve the strong reader. It was my great pleasure meeting with many parents during parent teachers’ interview in week 3.

The school is hosting “Ali Gator Book Fair” in our library throughout week 6. Arabic department is very excited to host Arabic book fair for the first time at our school. I hope the students will like it.

Ramadan Mubarak everyone.

Mrs Geehan
Arabic teacher